Upholding its mission of delivering quality education, Namal University, Mianwali, proudly welcomes Dr. Muhammad Faisal Rasheed as a distinguished faculty member in the Department of Business Administration. Dr. Rasheed earned his Ph.D. in Management Sciences from Aix-Marseille University, France, following the successful completion of a Master’s Research in Marketing at IAE Graduate School of Management, France. He has published 12 impact factor research papers in world-renowned journals ranked by ABS and ADBC. His extensive teaching experience includes esteemed institutions such as GIKI School of Management Topi, UCP Business School Lahore, Kedge Business School France, IAE-Aix School of Management France, and Superior University Lahore. In addition to his academic achievements, Dr. Rasheed has held various professional roles across diverse industries, demonstrating his multifaceted expertise and adaptability. His research interests lie in marketing ethics, B2B purchasing, services marketing and management (retail, tourism, hospitality, and healthcare services), and sustainable development.
Academic Background
PhD in Management Sciences
(Purchasers’ responses to ethical dilemmas in B2B markets: A study of individual, psychological, and organizational variables. )
Aix Marseille Université France
Master Research (Marketing)
( Brand heritage links towards consumer brand identification, brand credibility, and purchase intention”, IAE Master Research Thesis under Supervision of Prof. Virginie de BARNIER (Dean at IAE-Aix))
IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management
( . )
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Assistant Professor
GIKI School of Management Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
31-Aug-2023 - 17-Jan-0005
Assistant Professor
Ucp Business School University of Central Punjab Lahore
01-Oct-2021 - 31-Aug-2023
Adjunct Faculty
Kedge Business School France
01-Jan-2020 - 30-Jun-2021
Superior Univeristy Lahore
01-Sep-2015 - 31-Aug-2016
Journal Publications
Embracing the metaverse: cultivating sustainable tourism growth on a global scale
This paper addresses this gap by exploring the metaverse’s potential to advance sustainable practices in tourism, aligning with sustainable development goals (SDGs). By integrating three behavioural theories – the Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, and Self-Determination Theory – this research provides a comprehensive framework to assess the impact of metaverse tourism on sustainability and identify the most relevant SDGs.
Conceptualization and validation of customer participation in health care: a study on chronic illnesses management
Contrary to want-based services, customer participation has got lesser attention in high-credence services like health care. Customer participation for patients with chronic illnesses could be life-threatening and goes beyond the service organization’s physical environment. Realizing the importance of transformative service research in health-care services, this study aims to propose and validate the conceptualization of customer participation for patients with chronic illnesses. The findings reveal that health-care customer participation is a three-dimensional behavioral construct in which a customer can participate by sharing information, involving in decision-making and ensuring compliance. The study also demonstrates that customer participation is a critical driver of satisfaction with life and perceived control on illness.
Advancing customer experience through service design in mega shopping malls
This research aims to conceptualize and validate the mall service design as a multidimensional construct and then test a conceptual framework by investigating the impact of mall service design on customer mall experience and its subsequent outcomes, that is, intention to revisit and desire to stay in mega shopping malls.
Ethical decision-making in purchasing channels: A context of developing B2B markets
The present study analyses the responses of supply chain professionals facing certain ethical situations while performing their strategic tasks. The objective of this empirical investigation is to link the six dimensions of moral intensity (magnitude of consequences, proximity, probability of effect, social consensus, temporal immediacy, and concertation of effect) and two dimensions of ethical ideology (idealism and relativism) with three sequential phases of EDM (Ethical Decision Making), i.e. recognition, judgement, and intention, while purchasers are exposed to ethical dilemmas in B2B context. A mixed experimental research methodology was employed to analyse the responses of 289 purchasing professionals from a developing country. Six dimensions of moral intensity were manipulated into three conditions (Low, High, and Control) using 18 originally constructed purchase scenarios. The study’s findings reveal that idealism, relativism, and moral intensity are associated mainly with ethical decision-making stages. Among four sets of ethical ideologies, absolutists were found to be more ethical. The study concludes by giving future research directions and implications for practitioners.
- Services Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Retail and Sales Management