Assistant Professor
  • Department of Computer Science
  • muzamil.ahmed@namal.edu.pk

Muzamil Ahmed holds a Ph.D. from COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. He is a dedicated researcher with extensive experience in both academia and the IT industry, particularly in artificial intelligence and machine learning. His research has been published in esteemed peer-reviewed journals, including IEEE Transactions and ACM Transactions. Additionally, he is also an active reviewer for several prestigious journals, including Expert Systems (Elsevier), PLOS One, and IEEE Access. His expertise spans natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, and data science.

Academic Background
Ph.D. Computer Science (Semantic-aware Automated Question Answering Systems using Transformers-based Deep Learning ) COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus Wah Cantt, Pakistan 2024
MS Computer Science ( Recognition of Violent Activities form video sequence using Deep Learning Approach ) University of Lahore 2019
Honours and Awards
Gold Medalist Awarded the Gold Medal for securing the top position in MS Computer Science. 31-Aug-2019
Journal Publications
Conference Publications
A Novel Approach for Building Domain-Specific Chatbots by Exploring Sentence Transformers-based Encoding 09-Oct-2023 2023 International Conference on IT and Industrial Technologies (ICIT)
Automated question answering based on improved tf-idf and cosine similarity 29-Nov-2022 2022 Ninth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS)
  • Computer Organization and Assembly Language
  • Digital Logic Design